Sunday, November 10, 2013

Fun With Photos

These are just some random photos I've had fun with. Anyone who knows me knows I love getting lost in photo albums, and this trait is the main reason I learned Photoshop.

I was wearing the actual makeup in this shoot, but I boosted the colors and changed my eye colors slightly to contrast the reds, golds, and oranges

Boosted colors and highlights on her face. This is my sister!

They were honoring my mom's co-worker for Veteran's Day, and needed him to stand out in this photo. So I boosted his colors and made the rest in blues, blacks, and grays

I do theatre, and I used our poster to show the dates the kids would be in certain shows for one of our stage moms

I made this for my sister. I boosted the color way, way up. 

Bridesmaid Request!

This is one of my most favorite things I've made! I'm getting married in April, and this is what I'm sending out to my bridesmaids. I've always loved The Little Mermaid, and this was a nice way to incorporate that. I made it bright, colorful, and happy to convey how wonderfully excited I am!

Just for comparison, the picture below of Ariel and her sisters is what I orginally had to work with. It's a still from the prequel, I believe. I brought up a lot of the colors on the sisters and their fins. I also completely repainted the background to look like the ocean. I love how it looks like an oil painting if you look closely enough.

Jude's Baby Annoucement

One of my college friends married a man from England and I made this for a wedding present:

And this year, little Julian, "Jude," came along!

Paparazzi Flyers

One of my theatre friends sold Paparazzi jewelry, and asked me to design some flyers and signs for a big bazaar that was being held at a military base.

It was one of the biggest events of the year, so they wanted things that would catch the eye. The main colors of Paparazzi are black and pink, mostly, so I had great fun making these very girly!

Lydia's Missionary Announcement

When my best friend, Lydia, was going on a mission to the Phillipines, she asked me to design an announcement for her. I wanted something that would capture her colorful spirit and the way that I saw her, standing out in her own unique way in the world.

This is the original photo she gave me to work with: 

I left her in color, but toned it down a bit as not to clash as much with the black and white. I love how much she stands out though! This truly shows her personality.

Smile At Me Business Cards

These are business cards I made for my friend, Erin, who is a photographer. She does a wide variety of photos for many different venues and people, so I wanted to make business cards that captured her many different styles. Her business is called Smile At Me Photos.

This is a more general option that she can pass out
to any type of clientele she wants to target

I thought this would appeal to families

This was the fancy one! Though I may do it again and not angle the lines . . . 

This is the more general one she can use. Ignore the watermark; it was mostly just a test.